Web Wonderland No.1 Image
Web Wonderland

Web Wonderland No.1: How to heal childhood trauma, speak with confidence and say “yes” to everything

Hey You!

This week I’m introducing a new feature on the blog, Web Wonderland.

Here you will read valuable information I find around the web that is worth sharing. I’ll strive to make these posts as regular as I can. They will be mainly pieces on personal development & transformation, spiritual growth & evolution, healing & empowerment, and other stuff that promotes our blossoming into the whole, fulfilled and authentic people we are meant to be.

So get yourself a cup of your favourite drink, sit back and enjoy!

♦ As I often do, I look into our childhood where lots of our issues stem from. Here are two pieces on childhood trauma and insecure attachment:

Attachment Issues and Reactive Attachment Disorder

Coping with Emotional and Psychological Trauma

♦ This is someone I stumbled upon and quite frankly I’m excited to read more of it in the coming weeks. Bonus: you can send your URL if you have an online presence and get some advice.

Live Your Life Your Way

♦ Here’s a very useful tool for choosing your title when you’re posting on your blog:

Write Better Headlines

♦ Free training programme on how to be confident and calm speaking to anyone:

1000 Watt Presence free training series

♦ A talk by Shonda Rhimes. I’ve heard the name before but couldn’t remember with what – she’s quite funny and quite right.

Some of my recent posts:
OK then, that’s a wrap! Have a beautiful week! – VC

I hope you found this post valuable and inspiring! Share your thoughts in the comments and share the post with friends. Infinite thanks!


Vilina Christoph is a spiritual writer and uses the power of words to help others on their journey of healing and recovery. She distills challenging life experiences into meaningful lessons and practical wisdom. She believes that finding our voices and speaking our truth empowers us to transform our lives and reach long-lasting fulfillment.

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