The Rise of the Feminine and the next stage of my spiritual journey
Hello beautiful people at the new Vilina Christoph site! You can read my earlier announcement here. You might’ve noticed that I haven’t posted for the last couple of months. Truth is that this next stage of my spiritual journey has been brewing and hatching. In particular, I moved my blog over from the cosy and automated world of WordPress.com to an independents host which gives me more freedom. The move was ripe since I’ve been planning it for months and just last week it was the right time for that change. Your experience as a reader won’t change but if you’ve been following my journey you will notice some conceptual changes at…
Working with the moon, its energy and phases
It has been a few months since I started paying closer attention to the Moon and its phases. It is well known that the Moon has great effect on our planet and especially its water bodies. And since our human bodies are made mostly of water, it’s no wonder that our lives are influenced by its motions too. The two most known moon phases are Full Moon and New Moon, but we also have quarter moons in between. Overall, there are four main moon stages, each one of them lasting about a week. If you start following these cycles, you will soon find a recurrent pattern in your physical disposition, your…
Web Wonderland No.3: New life coming to fruition, crazy eclipse season, and a special bind magic
Hey You! It’s been a busy week. Recently I shared about our move from Ireland to Bulgaria, and the trip in between. Now, after almost three months of harsh winter, snow-shoveling and playing house, this move and the change involved with it is coming to fruition. My family and I are ready to move in our new apartment in Sofia and start putting the foundations of this new cycle in our lives and soul paths. It doesn’t sound like much but we’ve put an enormous effort into making this new life come true – we’ve said goodbye to family, friends, the house where our son grew up, the land, the country…