Turning seasons and the possibility of new horizons
Weather in Bulgaria has turned and it’s been really chilly for the last couple of days – we woke up to a 1°C/33°F morning in Sofia. It will be getting slightly warmer next week but, even so, autumn is upon us. I just flipped the calendar into October (although there’s a few more days) because I usually remember to do it when we’re well into the new month so I used this rare opportunity of remembering in advance. Doing this I flashbacked to when I first put the calendar up on the wall early in January. And here we are, just a few more days and we will be in Halloween month.
Golden leaves, lowering sun rays, warmer jackets and multiple layers, scarfs and boots, slowly turning inwards, lighting fires (lucky if you have a fireplace!) or candles (if you don’t have one), smell of smoke and damp wood, crystal clear and chilly air in the mornings and nights.
It is my favourite season – maybe because I was born in late September and I love Virgo and Libra vibes, or just because it’s a magickal and beautiful time. The symbolic meaning of it is letting go, shedding and releasing, but not before you reap your harvest of progress, achievement and growth. All your efforts and hard work are coming to fruition – it’s time for your rewards. It’s time to take notice of your bounty and be grateful for your abundance. It’s time to give back too – in your prayers, in your actions, in giving thanks to the mystical rhythms and cycles of our extraordinary world and life.
Celebrating your successes and progress is giving back to the Universe and others – everything is energy and your vibrations affect everyone around you.
On my personal journey, I’ve been treading the deepest waters of my underworld – I’ve encountered numerous dark caves and crevices, only to find abandoned, lost pieces of myself waiting to be rescued and brought back “home”. No scary one-eyed, multi-headed monsters – just fragments of my original Self that had to be stranded and forgotten when my physical survival was at stake.
Searching the “bottomless darkness”, I discovered unimaginable treasures – traits of my true self. Moreover, slowly piecing the fragments together, I’m discovering the truth about my journey, the story of my life. Not only this gives me hope to carry on – my eyes now are set upon new horizons. I can see the playful sunlight reflections on the surface of my inner world, my gaze fixed on the Possibility – of peaceful waters, gentle breeze and fair wind.
It’s possible!
May you see the light of new opportunities and find the way to the promises of the new horizons!

Jina Bazzar
Autumn – and spring – are the best seasons of the year. i too am astonished at how fast this year passed. Happy autumn!
Vilina Christoph
Indeed! Happy autumn ❤