To my dear child
I thought I was coping with my reality until I realised that I was just trying to escape from it.
The key to enjoying my life is to actually embrace it, as it is.
I was running away from you, thinking you were the problem. When in fact, you are the one who will hold me through the problem.
Regardless of everything else, I have the greatest gift of life – you, my child.
My son – my mirror, my reflection. All my pain projected onto you. I called you many things – all projections of what I’ve been hurting from in my life and relationships.
My dear child, you’re the greatest gift and I thank you for showing me all this. You are also the cure for my pain and I’m infinitely grateful for you.
Thank you and I am sorry you had to take on this role but without you I wouldn’t be able to see all this.
I’ve been looking elsewhere all this time to find a solution, thinking you are the problem. I’ve been so shortsighted.
But please forgive me, I was in a lot of pain. I couldn’t see beyond it because I was drowning in it.
But you saved me. And I thank you, my dear soul, for choosing to help me come out of the darkness.

One Comment
Wow, wow, wow! I’m so touched by this post. I am so with you … accepting and loving who we are is such a foundation for our awakening into love. And how you share about your relationship with your son is amazing – the mirror, the struggle, the gratitude. Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog – you are welcome anytime. <3 Blessings, Debbie