Heal yourself, heal the world
Most of us know the popular quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~ Ghandi More and more we start realising that this really is the truth. On my journey of healing, more and more I start to understand that by healing myself, I make a change in the world, and the world itself heals. Digging deeper and deeper in my own pain and trauma has led me to realise that I’m not only healing my personal wounds. In fact, my wounds are wounds that many of us share; they’re wounds that have been passed from generation to generation, throughout the history of humankind. These are…
Working with the moon, its energy and phases
It has been a few months since I started paying closer attention to the Moon and its phases. It is well known that the Moon has great effect on our planet and especially its water bodies. And since our human bodies are made mostly of water, it’s no wonder that our lives are influenced by its motions too. The two most known moon phases are Full Moon and New Moon, but we also have quarter moons in between. Overall, there are four main moon stages, each one of them lasting about a week. If you start following these cycles, you will soon find a recurrent pattern in your physical disposition, your…
Waving goodbye to the past
I feel the last few years are catching up with me. Many feelings are coming up to the surface for first time to be illuminated. Things I realise for a first time ever. Things sometimes too grave. My life for the past 4 years has been grave in many ways. Not only, of course, but mostly. I realise now that as soon as my relationship with my partner began, it was stifled almost in the bud. Uninvited visitors, like death, grief, anxiety, came along and didn’t leave much of a space for us to breathe as a new family. My love for my partner was suffocated. My love for my…
Coming out from the mud and continuing onward
I am grateful for where I am on my journey. I am grateful for the mud I had to come through. I am grateful for the waters that held me while I was rising up. I am grateful for the air that touched my skin upon my resurfacing. I am grateful for the roots that kept me in place. I am grateful for the process, for the journey, for the experience, for my life. On 15th October it was 7 years since the death of my mother. Here’s what I wrote: I was only 26 at the time. I remember trying to rationalise and intellectualise the shock of her…
Dear beautiful you
Dear, I love you! I cherish you! I thank you for being the vessel for my soul! You are beautiful, you are worthy, you are precious! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to follow your dreams, you deserve to honour your path. You don’t have to hold on to the past, you do not need to keep the painful memories, you do not need to suffer anymore. You don’t have to be unhappy because someone else is unhappy, you do not need to commiserate with their pain. That won’t help ease their pain, that won’t make them feel better. You have the right to put your needs first, you…
You’re not alone in your pain
I’m crying but I’m happy. I’m happy because in the depths of my soul I am happy, happier than I’ve ever been. But I’m also crying and that’s because I’m crying out all the pain my mother, my sister, all the women in my family, and all the women in the world for centuries had felt. But I’m happy because I’m shifting all that pain. I’m crying because they couldn’t transform the pain, they felt it and lived with it till their very last breath. But I’m happy because they will be free, I am setting them, myself and the future generations free, now. From all that couldn’t be said,…
To my dear child
I thought I was coping with my reality until I realised that I was just trying to escape from it. The key to enjoying my life is to actually embrace it, as it is. I was running away from you, thinking you were the problem. When in fact, you are the one who will hold me through the problem. Regardless of everything else, I have the greatest gift of life – you, my child. My son – my mirror, my reflection. All my pain projected onto you. I called you many things – all projections of what I’ve been hurting from in my life and relationships. My dear child, you’re…
The power is within you
Last month was an emotional rollercoaster. And I know I say that more often than not. But I won’t be able to describe it any other way. Now, I have learned that what really matters is how you respond to the adversity, what you do with your feelings, what you make out of your experiences. It’s probably true that life is just going to keep throwing sour lemons or rotten tomatoes or whatever at us. But what counts is how we take that and what we make of it. “Are you going to drink the lemon juice or are you going to make some lemonade?” You see, the power is…
Pain is the means, love is the end
No matter what pain you may experience in your life it is because we need to remember unconditional love. Even when you hurt, try finding the undying love within you and emanate that love. You may ask “What’s the point of pain?”, “Why do we feel pain?”. I know I’ve asked these questions. The answer is: So that we remember. So that we remember that we are born with love, that we are love, that love is all. Pain is the means, love is the end. Love is the beginning, love is everything. Pain comes into our life so that we can find this deep place inside us where all the…
Life and life’s challenges
Life and life’s challenges is the inspiration for our creative expression in and our gifts to the world. Life’s drama is what’s fuelling our growth, our expansion, and evolution. Going through life’s challenges is what gives you the opportunity to realise your worth, your value, your confidence. Although I am dealing with adversity right now I do not feel mentally tired or overwhelmed. On the contrary, I feel inspired, fuelled, motivated, I draw inspiration and meaning out of the experience, I feel I am growing internally every minute with the experience and learning so much about myself, my strength, my power, my worth. Alchemy in its workings!!! I am finally…