Love Is The End Image
Trauma Healing

Pain is the means, love is the end

No matter what pain you may experience in your life it is because we need to remember unconditional love.

Even when you hurt, try finding the undying love within you and emanate that love.

You may ask “What’s the point of pain?”, “Why do we feel pain?”.

I know I’ve asked these questions. The answer is:

So that we remember. So that we remember that we are born with love, that we are love, that love is all.

Pain is the means, love is the end. Love is the beginning, love is everything.

Pain comes into our life so that we can find this deep place inside us where all the love is condensed. And so that we can expand it and spread it.

Remember you are born with love, from love, as love. Thank your pain and uncover the unconditional love within.

You will get hurt because you are human but look beyond the immediate and see why this may be happening. Slowly, layer by layer, you will understand that nothing else stands but what we come to is only love.

Unconditional, non-denominational, ever-present, infinite, unlimited, multi-dimensional, now and forever in a never ending universe.


Vilina Christoph is a spiritual writer and uses the power of words to help others on their journey of healing and recovery. She distills challenging life experiences into meaningful lessons and practical wisdom. She believes that finding our voices and speaking our truth empowers us to transform our lives and reach long-lasting fulfillment.

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