Motherhood and enjoying the present moment
For a first time in my life I feel like I’m enjoying being a mother and my relationship with my son. I was too naive and maybe somewhat young when I became a mother. We’ve only been together with my partner for an year when I got pregnant. But we said yes to it, yes to all this family-making, children-raising thing. And it was good for a while. But soon it became clear that this isn’t what I thought it would be. It soon became clear that instead of building a family, there was a wall being built between me and everything around me. And I closed down and shut…
Follow your feelings
You have been given the power to feel for a reason. It is not a curse, nor a weakness. Your feelings are your built-in guidance system. Trust them. Never question or doubt them. Learn to listen to their subtle moves. Catch them when they are gentle ripples rather than when they’ve escalated into stormy waves. Follow the good feelings. When do you really feel good? Do more of that! And the bad ones – acknowledge them. What are they telling you? Do not ignore them, they are telling you something. Your feelings are your connection to your source, they are the way you are spoken to by your god. Never…
You deserve your love
How comfortable are you with yourself? Are you accepting of yourself? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? What’s your first thought when you see a picture of yourself? Love yourself! It may be hard at first, it may even sound absurd. Believe me, I know first hand. But you deserve your love more than anyone else. Give it to yourself, even if it feels ridiculous and silly. It’s the only way towards happiness and fulfillment in life. It’s the first step towards self-realisation and inner peace. Nobody else will give you that love. It can only come from you to you. It’s your only obligation in…
The choice is yours
Will you choose to grumble or will you choose to let it go? Will you choose to push or will you choose to let it be? Will you choose to fall into victimhood or will you choose to take responsibility? Will you choose to grow or will you choose to stay stuck? Will you choose to open up your mind and heart or will you choose to stay separate? Will you choose acceptance or will you choose judgement? Will you choose freedom or you will you choose comparison? Will you choose love or will you choose fear? Will you choose life or will you choose hell? Will you choose power…
Pain is the means, love is the end
No matter what pain you may experience in your life it is because we need to remember unconditional love. Even when you hurt, try finding the undying love within you and emanate that love. You may ask “What’s the point of pain?”, “Why do we feel pain?”. I know I’ve asked these questions. The answer is: So that we remember. So that we remember that we are born with love, that we are love, that love is all. Pain is the means, love is the end. Love is the beginning, love is everything. Pain comes into our life so that we can find this deep place inside us where all the…
Web Wonderland No.3: New life coming to fruition, crazy eclipse season, and a special bind magic
Hey You! It’s been a busy week. Recently I shared about our move from Ireland to Bulgaria, and the trip in between. Now, after almost three months of harsh winter, snow-shoveling and playing house, this move and the change involved with it is coming to fruition. My family and I are ready to move in our new apartment in Sofia and start putting the foundations of this new cycle in our lives and soul paths. It doesn’t sound like much but we’ve put an enormous effort into making this new life come true – we’ve said goodbye to family, friends, the house where our son grew up, the land, the country…
Honouring how far we have come
The last couple of weeks have been intense.When we first settled in a small town in the north of Bulgaria everything was new and exciting. Christmas was coming, the snow came too (lots of snow), and we started settling into our routine of starting the fire in the morning, cooking brekkie, going out for a walk and play in the park, shopping in the local grocery store, more cooking… you get the point. It was peaceful, calm, fairy-tale like. My mind managed to calm down so much and I started smiling and laughing, and basically feeling happy with all my heart. It was like I was released from something restricting…
Here and now: being grateful for another year
Happy New Year 2017! This is a year which numerologically is a year 1 (2+0+1+7=10=1): new beginnings, new stories, new creations and changes on individual level, and more or less globally. The focus is being turned within, not outside of us. Internally we will find the power and courage to change what doesn’t serve us externally. By turning to our cores and setting up a life that supports our values, we will externally project love, strength and unconditional intention to better our collective world. Don’t be afraid (or feeling guilty) to look into you and be committed to your own process of enlightenment. Your light needs to be fostered, nurtured…
Being present: getting to know and love ourselves
I’d like to talk about my experience of being present and how I came around it. Something that wasn’t only a realisation in my mind but a feeling in my body as well. A knowledge of how one IS when they are present in the moment. I have started doing some regular meditation sessions. I’m using an app called Headspace, and without being affiliated with the company – I’d recommend it to anyone. When you sign up you start with ten meditation sessions lasting 10 minutes each. When you finish these you can continue to the next ten 15-minute meditation sessions. And then off to the 20-minute long ones. So in…
On gratitude
The idea about this blog post originated around the time of Thanksgiving in late November. At the time the internet space was saturated with materials on gratitude, compassion, kindness and gratefulness. I loved the talks and articles that were coming up all over the media and I enjoyed being reminded of those basic values and eternal truths. In Ireland we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. We get the vibe but we don’t get to organise get-togethers. Which could be good and bad. I know that for some getting together with the family could be a tricky experience. In my own case – my family of origin isn’t around. My father lives in…